Friday, August 30, 2013

On Angels Wings

Psalms 91: vs 11-12

'For He will command His angels concerning you, to guard you in all your ways;  they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone'

Welcome back. If this is your first time visiting, you've come to the right place. Whether you're a newly grieving parent, or some time has passed since your loss, you have my deepest sympathy. Feel free to share this page if you'd like.

I don't go into too many details of my son's passing because the circumstances were so not normal (in fact I don't even think I could explain it well.)

I would however like to share a little of the journey in the hope of encouraging you. When I stood at my son's grave for the first time.  Just me. Alone. On a Good Friday. After having traveled across the country to get there.

We think we know how we'll react to the challenges we face in life don't we? To my knowledge I'm unaware of a single person who has ever been able to make that claim when faced with the actuality. And I was no exception. By myself, alone, in a strange cemetery, so far removed from Pennsylvania, I didn't think I'd be able to hold up. My precious friends back home had their cell phones on 24/7 in case I needed them. But what happened at my son's graveside was so far beyond anything I could've imagined.

This is where the angels came to my rescue. I fell apart, they carried the burden. I dropped to the ground, they held me up, I felt like I was flying out of my body, they pulled me back in, softening the shock. I believe they were all around me. They stayed with me the entire journey. God made very aware that I was not alone.

When we are in Christ we never are. And in extreme circumstances God will go to the extremes to make Himself and His angels known to us.

I'm praying for you today

Until next time,


Mary Netreba

Photo taken California


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