Monday, February 17, 2014

Pressing On

Philippians 3:14

'I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.'

Welcome to One Breath From Heaven.

Probably one of the most difficult parts of grief is when we have let go and release the loss into God's hands. Physically, our loved ones are no longer with us. Spiritually, they have crossed the great divide. Concerned friends and family try to comfort us with words such  "Hold onto to your memories, they'll still with you in spirit" and a host of many popular sayings.

It's hard to explain to someone whose not been there, how it feels to walk around with a huge hole in your heart that can only be filled with the grace of God.

 I found much comfort just knowing that others were there for me. It especially helped if they had been through it too. (A very specific Sisterhood)

There comes a time though when we need to move on. Not in a 'forget all about it' sense (if this were the case I wouldn't be writing a blog) but in a way where we can release our feelings
and hand them to God, knowing He will do a good work. And release us to do ours.

I pray for you today. Blessings...

Mary Netreba  (Mom, Author, Follower of Christ)

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