Welcome to One Breath From Heaven
Mothers Day, a special day set aside for Moms everywhere. Cards, flowers, phone calls, dinner out, etc. are just some of the ways we honor them.
But what happens when the one we raised, our son or daughter, is no longer with us? That's different, unusual, friends may not know what to say.
I have to admit, there are some reminders like today that magnify the loss of losing my son. Perhaps you're struggling as well.
The thought occurred to me this morning 'If he could, what would my son say to me today?'
"Happy Mothers Day Mom. Miss you. I'm safely home and looking forward to seeing you again one day."
The distance between Heaven and earth is less than a second; a blip that takes us from this imperfect world where death is a part of life to our new life, perfect, whole and complete. No more death, loss, pain, or heartbreak; just joy in being reunited not only with our loved ones but with Christ. We're talking one big reunion forever. That's a long time.
Virtual hugs to you today.
Mary Netreba
One Breath From Heaven
Inspiration from a Writer whose deceased son is her 'One Breath from Heaven.'
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Friday, May 2, 2014
Welcome back to One Breath From Heaven. If this is your first time visiting, rest assured you aren't alone in this journey. There are many of us who understand the path you're now on. We may not know you but we're praying for you just the same.
As an Author, there's something about those last two words when the book is completed; 'The End.' It's finished, complete, ready to go.
But I want to talk to you about the other most important 'The End'
I miss my son. I miss his smile, his kindness, his love of animals, especially cats. I miss what was the most important part of my life.
The sense of loss never completely goes away. It seems endless.
But that's not what the Bible says. My thinking is out of line.
I would never have wished my son to go ahead of me, but over the years I've seen (and still do), how God works it all out.
This morning I visited BibleProbe.com and read the signs of end times. (Shiver)
I'll leave it up to you to visit the site. From what I've read, let me tell you, Praise God I'm a Christian.
It makes me thankful that my Donnie will never experience what is to come (and already has begun.)
It makes me thankful to know that just as I looked forward to his birth, it may be the same way he feels while he's waiting for me.:)) It makes me happy to know there will be an 'The End'.
Heaven is full of kids whose lives ended too soon. But remember, their 'forever' life is what they're given, in the loving presence of our Savior. And we'll all be together again one day.
The End.
My prayers are with you today.
Mary Netreba Mom, Author, Follower of Jesus Christ
As an Author, there's something about those last two words when the book is completed; 'The End.' It's finished, complete, ready to go.
But I want to talk to you about the other most important 'The End'
I miss my son. I miss his smile, his kindness, his love of animals, especially cats. I miss what was the most important part of my life.
The sense of loss never completely goes away. It seems endless.
But that's not what the Bible says. My thinking is out of line.
I would never have wished my son to go ahead of me, but over the years I've seen (and still do), how God works it all out.
This morning I visited BibleProbe.com and read the signs of end times. (Shiver)
I'll leave it up to you to visit the site. From what I've read, let me tell you, Praise God I'm a Christian.
It makes me thankful that my Donnie will never experience what is to come (and already has begun.)
It makes me thankful to know that just as I looked forward to his birth, it may be the same way he feels while he's waiting for me.:)) It makes me happy to know there will be an 'The End'.
Heaven is full of kids whose lives ended too soon. But remember, their 'forever' life is what they're given, in the loving presence of our Savior. And we'll all be together again one day.
The End.

Mary Netreba Mom, Author, Follower of Jesus Christ
Saturday, April 26, 2014
When Bad Things Happen to Good People
He was smart, handsome too. Such a great kid. Bright future.
She was accepted at one of the best colleges in the country. Almost ready to graduate, attend college in the fall.
He/she had their whole lives before them. He planned to become a doctor. She had dreams of becoming a journalist. In one instant, it all changed.
Why? Why him? Why her? Why God?
I'm sure we've all felt one time one time or another that our world was turned upside. But nothing compares to the loss of a child. The reality is so hard to handle. My heart goes out to you.
The grief over the loss of a child isn't the same as any other loss. The not normal event of outliving your child is just plain freakish. And no one knows exactly what to say. I'll never know this side of heaven why my son went before me.
Bad things happen to good people. Pain is unfortunately something we can't skip over. Holding onto our faith in the midst of the trial feels impossible. But one day, it'll all be over. This separation thankfully will end.
I picture seeing Jesus for the first time in Heaven with my son Donnie beside Him. What a reunion!
I hope to be back on a schedule and post regularly. (Working with my Editor on my Novel.)
May you be blessed , you are in my prayers.
Mary Netreba Mom. Author. Follower of Jesus Christ.
She was accepted at one of the best colleges in the country. Almost ready to graduate, attend college in the fall.
He/she had their whole lives before them. He planned to become a doctor. She had dreams of becoming a journalist. In one instant, it all changed.
Why? Why him? Why her? Why God?
I'm sure we've all felt one time one time or another that our world was turned upside. But nothing compares to the loss of a child. The reality is so hard to handle. My heart goes out to you.
The grief over the loss of a child isn't the same as any other loss. The not normal event of outliving your child is just plain freakish. And no one knows exactly what to say. I'll never know this side of heaven why my son went before me.
Bad things happen to good people. Pain is unfortunately something we can't skip over. Holding onto our faith in the midst of the trial feels impossible. But one day, it'll all be over. This separation thankfully will end.
I picture seeing Jesus for the first time in Heaven with my son Donnie beside Him. What a reunion!
I hope to be back on a schedule and post regularly. (Working with my Editor on my Novel.)
May you be blessed , you are in my prayers.
Mary Netreba Mom. Author. Follower of Jesus Christ.
Friday, March 28, 2014
Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
Welcome to One Breath From Heaven. I'm so glad you're here.
"I'm sorry." There it is, two words that can make all the difference in the world.
But why do we have such a hard time saying it?
There's the obvious of course when we know we're in the wrong. Saying we sorry may mean we're obligated to 'fix it.' And of course the wronged person may not let the violation go no matter how sorry you are as they keep the offense in their 'arsenal' for future use.
That's a different type of 'I'm sorry.' We can't do much about such a stubborn person.
Sorry and sorrow are have a lot in common. The both express a feeling of regret about something. There's a sadness and empathy for the loss. We feel the person's pain. I have the best friends in the world. There wasn't a moment that I didn't feel their care.
But sometimes people, including our friends are so overwhelmed at our loss, they just don't know what to say or do. (I can remember blubbering to a new widow because I felt so inept).
The best thing we can do is to start off with two gentle words, "I'm sorry." and maybe add to this depending on their response. Most importantly we want to make sure the griever doesn't feel alone. Call them, send cards, run some errands for them. My suggestions may seem small to you but to the newly grieving parents you are a hero in their eyes. Your acts of kindness will never be forgotten. And you never know, as we could be the ones they comfort too.
Please know I'm praying for you today. I'd love to hear back from you. Blessings,
Mary Netreba Mom. Author. Friend
"I'm sorry." There it is, two words that can make all the difference in the world.
But why do we have such a hard time saying it?
There's the obvious of course when we know we're in the wrong. Saying we sorry may mean we're obligated to 'fix it.' And of course the wronged person may not let the violation go no matter how sorry you are as they keep the offense in their 'arsenal' for future use.
That's a different type of 'I'm sorry.' We can't do much about such a stubborn person.
Sorry and sorrow are have a lot in common. The both express a feeling of regret about something. There's a sadness and empathy for the loss. We feel the person's pain. I have the best friends in the world. There wasn't a moment that I didn't feel their care.
But sometimes people, including our friends are so overwhelmed at our loss, they just don't know what to say or do. (I can remember blubbering to a new widow because I felt so inept).
The best thing we can do is to start off with two gentle words, "I'm sorry." and maybe add to this depending on their response. Most importantly we want to make sure the griever doesn't feel alone. Call them, send cards, run some errands for them. My suggestions may seem small to you but to the newly grieving parents you are a hero in their eyes. Your acts of kindness will never be forgotten. And you never know, as we could be the ones they comfort too.
Please know I'm praying for you today. I'd love to hear back from you. Blessings,
Mary Netreba Mom. Author. Friend
Friday, March 21, 2014
We Never Expect To Say Good-Bye
Welcome to One Breath From Heaven.
It's amazing how time manages to get away from us. As a writer and author, it's all too easy to lose track as I edit one book, rewrite another and so on. Before you know it,
here it is, a month gone by. It shouldn't happen but it does.
Sometimes however, just like many of us on this particular journey, we find ourselves simply languishing. It's difficult to get motivated when your heart is in eternity with your child.
Losing a child is the worst but sometimes the circumstances make it appalling.
I'm from Altoona Pennsylvania and now live out of state. But I keep in touch with my former hometown newspaper and read it online
Yesterday's story made me cry. A young man (originally from New York but attending College in Pennsylvania ) went home for Spring Break. While in New York, he threw himself off a building and died. 18 years old. His poor parents. They had no idea about the hazing.
My heart truly goes out to this precious family.
Sometimes kids can feel that maybe their parents won't understand, that there is no way out and end up doing what this young man had done.
If you're reading this blog, will you take a moment to lift up the family in prayer? We all know how hard it is to lose a child and I am sure they greatly need prayers now.
Mary Netreba, Mom, Author, Sporadic Blogger:)
It's amazing how time manages to get away from us. As a writer and author, it's all too easy to lose track as I edit one book, rewrite another and so on. Before you know it,
here it is, a month gone by. It shouldn't happen but it does.
Sometimes however, just like many of us on this particular journey, we find ourselves simply languishing. It's difficult to get motivated when your heart is in eternity with your child.
Losing a child is the worst but sometimes the circumstances make it appalling.
I'm from Altoona Pennsylvania and now live out of state. But I keep in touch with my former hometown newspaper and read it online
Yesterday's story made me cry. A young man (originally from New York but attending College in Pennsylvania ) went home for Spring Break. While in New York, he threw himself off a building and died. 18 years old. His poor parents. They had no idea about the hazing.
My heart truly goes out to this precious family.
Sometimes kids can feel that maybe their parents won't understand, that there is no way out and end up doing what this young man had done.
If you're reading this blog, will you take a moment to lift up the family in prayer? We all know how hard it is to lose a child and I am sure they greatly need prayers now.
Mary Netreba, Mom, Author, Sporadic Blogger:)
Monday, February 17, 2014
Pressing On
Philippians 3:14
'I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.'
Welcome to One Breath From Heaven.
Probably one of the most difficult parts of grief is when we have let go and release the loss into God's hands. Physically, our loved ones are no longer with us. Spiritually, they have crossed the great divide. Concerned friends and family try to comfort us with words such "Hold onto to your memories, they'll still with you in spirit" and a host of many popular sayings.
It's hard to explain to someone whose not been there, how it feels to walk around with a huge hole in your heart that can only be filled with the grace of God.
I found much comfort just knowing that others were there for me. It especially helped if they had been through it too. (A very specific Sisterhood)
There comes a time though when we need to move on. Not in a 'forget all about it' sense (if this were the case I wouldn't be writing a blog) but in a way where we can release our feelings
and hand them to God, knowing He will do a good work. And release us to do ours.
I pray for you today. Blessings...
Mary Netreba (Mom, Author, Follower of Christ)
'I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.'
Welcome to One Breath From Heaven.
Probably one of the most difficult parts of grief is when we have let go and release the loss into God's hands. Physically, our loved ones are no longer with us. Spiritually, they have crossed the great divide. Concerned friends and family try to comfort us with words such "Hold onto to your memories, they'll still with you in spirit" and a host of many popular sayings.
It's hard to explain to someone whose not been there, how it feels to walk around with a huge hole in your heart that can only be filled with the grace of God.
I found much comfort just knowing that others were there for me. It especially helped if they had been through it too. (A very specific Sisterhood)
There comes a time though when we need to move on. Not in a 'forget all about it' sense (if this were the case I wouldn't be writing a blog) but in a way where we can release our feelings
and hand them to God, knowing He will do a good work. And release us to do ours.
I pray for you today. Blessings...

Monday, February 10, 2014
Learning To Walk Through Everything With God
Psalms 23:4 (NIV)
'Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.'
Psalms 27:14
'Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.'
Welcome to One Breath From Heaven. I'm so glad you're here. This is a short post this week and more like a blog with a specific request.
There is one thing I am certain of; God doesn't allow suffering just for the sake of suffering.
We know there must be a purpose for what's happened in our lives but oh how difficult it is when we are the ones going through it. Life loses its zeal and becomes mundane. When we've lost someone very important in our lives, the hole in our hearts is left gaping. Nothing feels as if it will ever be right again. Unfortunately, sometimes the events are more tragic than others.
Recently I read about a nine year old boy who committed suicide because he was bullied so much at school. His poor parents must deal not only with his death but also with what helped to cause it. Their pain, I cannot imagine.
It's becoming more of an issue every day. Some of you may even have lost your own child to suicide or know of someone who has.
Our enemy the devil as been hard at work. Learning to walk through this with God will be difficult.
May I ask that you lift up this precious family and others who also have lost a child? We
are the only ones who truly understand the journey.
Mary Netreba
'Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.'
Psalms 27:14
'Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.'
Welcome to One Breath From Heaven. I'm so glad you're here. This is a short post this week and more like a blog with a specific request.
There is one thing I am certain of; God doesn't allow suffering just for the sake of suffering.
We know there must be a purpose for what's happened in our lives but oh how difficult it is when we are the ones going through it. Life loses its zeal and becomes mundane. When we've lost someone very important in our lives, the hole in our hearts is left gaping. Nothing feels as if it will ever be right again. Unfortunately, sometimes the events are more tragic than others.
Recently I read about a nine year old boy who committed suicide because he was bullied so much at school. His poor parents must deal not only with his death but also with what helped to cause it. Their pain, I cannot imagine.
It's becoming more of an issue every day. Some of you may even have lost your own child to suicide or know of someone who has.
Our enemy the devil as been hard at work. Learning to walk through this with God will be difficult.
May I ask that you lift up this precious family and others who also have lost a child? We
are the only ones who truly understand the journey.
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